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Thermal Artificial Intelligence: Its use in thermal cameras

Artificial intelligence thermal image processing is combining advance algorithmic technology with machine learning and computer vision for the measurement of infrared wavelengths emitted by 3D object surfaces while also detecting the heat given off an object or a person, and converting the temperature information into an image in the form of heat

The Cisco Stackable Managed Switches: 350X Series Vs 550X Series

Cisco offers the best stackable managed switches. A variety of them. we will compare the 350X series and the 550X 

What to watch out for when buying your IT Hardware

A data center is a physical space that organizations use to centralize their daily IT operations and equipment for storage

Cisco Nexus 2000 switches Vs Cisco Nexus 3000 Switches

When you think about high end data center switches the Cisco Nexus 2000 and 3000 series are the answer to your thoughts. Although, which one is more favorable for your business. Let’s compare

Common IT mistakes made by businesses – how to prevent them

In a world dependent on Information Technology businesses can not afford of making mistakes, as they rely highly on technology

What is Hybrid Cloud? Why is it on the rise?

Hybrid cloud infrastructure are the new normal in our ever-fast-growing world. To understand what hybrid cloud infrastructures are, it is necessary to know what public cloud and private cloud are.

Mobile Payments: The Benefits and Risks of a Digital Wallet sim

Technology is on the rise and the world is at our fingertips. It is understandable why businesses are introducing mobile payments into their payment options. Customers want fast, easy transactions that can take place anywhere and anytime. Mobile payments are just that.

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